Saturday, June 26, 2010

keep on keepin on

So the past few days I realized there are not whole lot of places around here to start seriously training to be a runner. I have however stepped up my game with what I have. I have been taking the dog around the complex twice every time we walk now and  I have been adding in a dip in the pool. Although I don't do serious laps i have been doing some and I have been stretching in the water. It has been nice. Hopefully I will be settled into a job here soon and then a new place to live and can get real serious. However, for now I am working on making sure that I will be ready to do that.

1 comment:

  1. Keep it up! Go here and read her story. Start from the begining. She will inspire and has had set backs.

    Also, go here and read her story (again start from the beginning). She too will inspire and has had some setbacks. They each have a very distinct viewpoint and we can all learn from each.

    Keep it up!
